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Dry Eye

Experiencing occasional dry eyes is normal.

In most cases, over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can offer relief for dry or irritated eyes

However, some people may experience chronic dry eye. This dryness may accompany pain, irritation, blurry vision, or other uncomfortable sensations. 

At Precilaser, our experienced eye doctors are proud to offer innovative dry eye treatment options to help improve your symptoms and quality of life.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eyes, also known as dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease, is a condition in which the eyes do not produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. This leads to many different symptoms, including discomfort and irritation

Chronic dry eyes can lead to uncomfortable living. The sensations you experience may prevent you from enjoying your life thoroughly. Dry eyes can also worsen throughout the day. If you wear contact lenses, you may not be able to do so comfortably with dry eyes. 

If left untreated, dry eyes can even permanently damage the cornea in some cases. Symptoms of dry eyes may include:

  • Stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation in the eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye redness
  • A sensation of having something in your eyes
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Blurred vision or eye fatigue

In most cases, over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can provide relief for dry or irritated eyes. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is essential to consult an eye doctor for a comprehensive assessment. 

Through an assessment and several treatments designed to moisturize your eyes, your eyes can produce enough moisture to live a happy, healthy life.

Our Complete Dry Eye Assessment

A comprehensive dry eye assessment can evaluate the underlying causes of your dry eye symptoms and help your eye doctor develop a personalized treatment plan. During your assessment, our experienced eye care professionals will:

Our goal is to help you achieve long-lasting relief and improve your quality of life.

What Dry Eye Treatments Are Available?

At Precilaser, we offer a range of advanced dry eye treatments to address the specific needs of each patient. Our experienced eye care professionals will work with you to determine the most effective treatment plan based on the severity of your condition and the underlying causes of your dry eye symptoms. 

Some of the dry eye treatments we offer include:

Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are a common first-line treatment for mild to moderate dry eye cases. These over-the-counter eye drops help lubricate and moisturize the eyes, providing temporary relief from dryness, irritation, and discomfort.

At Precilaser, our eye care professionals can recommend the best artificial tear formulation for your specific needs, based on the severity of your symptoms and the composition of your natural tears. Some patients may benefit from preservative-free artificial tears, while others may require drops with added nutrients or thicker gel-like consistencies for longer-lasting relief. 

Using artificial tears regularly, even in combination with other dry eye treatment methods, can help manage dry eye symptoms and improve overall eye comfort.


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Broad Band Light (BBL) laser treatments are innovative approaches to managing dry eye disease. These non-invasive procedures use light energy to stimulate the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oily layer of your tears.

By improving the function of these glands, IPL/BBL laser treatments can help stabilize the tear film, reduce inflammation, and improve dry eye symptoms. The treatment is performed in-office and typically requires a series of sessions for best results. 

Many patients experience significant relief from their dry eye symptoms following IPL/BBL laser therapy.


BlephEx is an in-office procedure designed to treat blepharitis, an inflammatory condition of the eyelids that often contributes to dry eye symptoms. During the BlephEx treatment, a specialized handpiece is used to gently scrub and exfoliate the edges of your eyelids and lashes, removing any built-up debris, bacteria, and biofilm. 

This helps improve eyelid hygiene, reduces inflammation, and allows your meibomian glands to function more effectively. BlephEx treatments are typically performed every four to six months to maintain eyelid health and prevent the recurrence of blepharitis-related dry eye symptoms. 

Many patients report significant improvements in eye comfort and clarity following BlephEx treatments.


The iLux system is an innovative, in-office treatment for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), a leading cause of dry eye disease. During the iLux procedure, a handheld device is used to apply gentle heat and pressure directly to the eyelids, melting and expressing the hardened oil that is blocking the meibomian glands. 

By clearing these glands and restoring the natural flow of oils into the tear film, iLux can help improve tear quality, reduce evaporation, and alleviate dry eye symptoms. The treatment is quick, comfortable, and requires no downtime, making it a convenient option for patients seeking long-lasting relief from MGD-related dry eyes.

Experience Relief From Dry Eye

At Precilaser, we understand the impact that dry eye can have on your quality of life. Our dedicated team of eye care professionals is committed to providing you with the most advanced and effective treatments available, tailored to your specific needs. 

Whether you are seeking relief from mild symptoms or struggling with chronic dry eye discomfort, we are here to help you find the path to clearer, more comfortable vision.

Say goodbye to dry eye discomfort and hello to lasting relief!

Learn more about your condition and explore effective treatment options with our expert dry eye assessment.


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