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Dreaming of life without glasses or contacts?

Find out if SMILE is your answer!

SMILE is a type of laser eye surgery that can allow you to reduce your dependence on visual aids like glasses and contact lenses. This innovative procedure is designed to treat nearsightedness and astigmatism. 

At Precilaser, we are proud to offer this innovative procedure to patients who desire greater visual freedom.

What is  SMILE?

Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, also called SMILE, is an advanced laser eye surgery that can correct common refractive errors like nearsightedness and astigmatism. If you want to reduce your dependency on glasses or contact lenses, SMILE might be a great option for you.

The procedure involves using a femtosecond laser to create a small, lens-shaped piece of tissue, called a lenticule, within the cornea. This lenticule is then removed through a tiny incision, reshaping the cornea and improving vision. 

SMILE is a minimally invasive, bladeless procedure that typically takes less than fifteen minutes per eye. Many patients experience improved vision within a day or two and a quick recovery time.

How Do I Know If I’m a Good SMILE Candidate?

If you’re considering SMILE laser eye surgery, you might be wondering if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. SMILE is an excellent option for many adults with stable vision who have mild to moderate nearsightedness and astigmatism. 

To determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure, your eye doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye exam and ask you about your vision goals. To be a good candidate for SMILE, you should have healthy eyes free from conditions such as severe dry eye syndrome, corneal diseases, or retinal disorders. Your corneas should be thick enough for your eye doctor to create and remove the lenticule. Patients with very large pupils or thin corneas may not be ideal candidates for SMILE. Additionally, your prescription should have remained stable for at least one year before the procedure.

The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for SMILE is to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at Precilaser, who can assess your eyes and vision requirements.

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Discover your path to clearer vision!

Take the first step towards a brighter future by finding out if SMILE vision correction is right for you.

What to Expect During SMILE?

On the day of the procedure, your eye doctor will apply numbing drops to your eyes to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. You’ll be asked to lie down and focus on a target light while the femtosecond laser creates the lenticule within your cornea. The laser part of the procedure usually takes less than thirty seconds per eye. After the lenticule is formed, your SMILE surgeon will make a small incision on the surface of your cornea and remove the lenticule using special instruments. This reshapes your cornea, correcting your vision. The entire SMILE procedure typically takes less than fifteen minutes for both eyes. 

After the procedure, you’ll be given instructions for a safe and smooth recovery. Most patients experience improved vision within twenty-four hours, with continued improvement over the following weeks. You’ll have follow-up appointments with your eye doctor to monitor your healing progress and ensure the best possible outcomes.

What is Recovery Like After SMILE?

Recovery after SMILE laser eye surgery is generally quick and comfortable. Immediately after the procedure, you may experience mild discomfort, such as itching, burning, or watering of the eyes. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours. Your vision will likely be hazy or blurry at first, but it should start to improve within the first twenty-four hours.

Most patients can return to work and normal daily activities within a day or two after SMILE surgery. However, it’s essential to follow your eye doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing. This may include using prescribed eye drops, avoiding rubbing your eyes, and not participating in any strenuous activities for a few days to weeks.

In the weeks following SMILE, you may experience some fluctuations in your vision. These side effects are usually temporary and resolve as your eyes continue to heal. Most patients achieve stable, improved vision within a few weeks to a month after the procedure.

Regular follow-up appointments with your eye doctor are crucial to monitor your recovery progress and address any concerns you may have. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the benefits of clearer, sharper vision after SMILE surgery.

What Will My Vision Be Like After SMILE?

After SMILE laser eye surgery, most patients experience a significant improvement in their vision. While individual results may vary, many people achieve excellent vision following the procedure. 

After SMILE Surgery

Before SMILE Surgery

In some cases, patients may still require glasses or contact lenses for certain activities, such as reading or driving at night. However, the overall dependency on visual aids is usually greatly reduced. 

It’s important to have realistic expectations and discuss your specific goals with your eye doctor before the surgery. With proper care and follow-up, you can enjoy the benefits of clearer, sharper vision after SMILE.

How Does SMILE Compare to LASIK?

SMILE and LASIK are both laser eye surgeries that can correct refractive errors, but they differ in their approach. LASIK involves creating a flap in the cornea and reshaping the underlying tissue, while SMILE does not involve the creation of a flap, but instead removes a small lenticule from within the cornea. SMILE is a less invasive surgery, which may result in fewer dry eye symptoms and a lower risk of flap-related complications compared to LASIK. However, LASIK can treat a wider range of refractive errors and offers faster visual recovery. 

Your eye doctor at Precilaser can help determine which procedure is best suited for your needs.

Determine if You’re a Candidate for SMILE Today!

If you’re tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses and want to enjoy clearer vision, SMILE laser eye surgery may be the solution you’ve been looking for. Contact Precilaser today to schedule a consultation and find out if SMILE is right for you.

Curious if SMILE vision correction can make that dream a reality for you?

Don’t wait any longer—schedule your candidacy evaluation now!

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